Welcome to Closet Huntress – A space where women learn from each other and teach each other the importance of always putting themselves first, being comfortable in their own skin and no matter how hard or challenging life gets making sure to not let go of the beauty that they held close to their heart growing up.
I am an IT analyst during the day but I balance my work with machines by running this blog, interacting with individuals and igniting women empowerment when possible. Having lived in several different parts of the world I have picked up a picky palate that is why I am always seeking authentic recipes and Restaurants as well as being on top of the fashion know how.
Closet Huntress is the face of what we consider natural beauty, we do not believe in fake enhancements or editing a woman’s body to fit the media and social media mold. Women especially the young generation needs real role models for them to feel comfortable in their own skin. Yes we are thin, tall, short, curvy – we have bumps and we have lumps but that is what makes us women. That is what makes us special and beautiful.
Together we will build a tougher skin and face the world and show everyone how fierce and strong we are. We will help other fellow women and individuals feel great about themselves and pick them up when they are down – that is the motto of a Closet Huntress.
Closet Huntress aspires to make a positive dent in this world before I depart forever, touching even a few people positively in my life time would be a success I would cherish forever.
“Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” – Louis E. Boone