Hello loves! Happpppyyy Halloween!

For those of you that know me personally or have stuck around with me on social media (old blog, instagram etc) you already know that I am pretty big on halloween. Even as a little growing up in UAE, Halloween was something that I always decorated my room for. Ofcourse no one was going out in costumes or trick or treating there but wearing a costume on halloween became a big part of my life once I started college – haha you know the inner child just lets lose sometimes when you have become an adult 🙂

Over the years I have been a gypsy, a police officer (all women do that one I guess?), a librarian (I had all the items in my closet already), a base ball player etc. The one that stuck around for the last few years has been Captain America! The character spoke to me and I almost felt like I was Captain America. So last year when I had to live in a fracture boot and I didn’t know if I will make it out for halloween – I became Super Woman cause the whole thing just went better with my boot.

Which brings us to this year! I saw X-Men and loved it! I also loved the character Psylocke plays and got instantly curious about who she is and what she stands for. Her story line is pretty interesting for a female superhero about how she became who she did and the powers she acquired – Psychic abilities and telepathy. She is also depicted as someone that is fluid. What I truly liked about her is the change she goes through and how she evolves. The reasons I liked Captain America are the complete opposites. He stands for what he is and remains firm vs Psylocke? She rebirth herself over and over as she learn the realities of her life. And I guess I really feel like a combo of both. I still wasn’t sure what I’d be for halloween (as you can see I spend months thinking about this even before its summer time 🙂 )

And then came my hair color change. Somehow my stylist thought it would be good to darker for Fall and Winter. I was like well why the hell not? This whole color thing is new to me, so I am ready to roll with anything that is visually appealing. So we went from rose gold to a mix of pinks and purple and then last month it strikes me what if I had a whole head of purple hair? I could genuinely be Psylocke for Halloween.

Only problem was there are no fun looking psylocke costumes available anywhere! Soooo I had to build its on my own. And although I really could have gone all out – I being the last minute person did’t start working on it till the evening before I was supposed to wear it haha. So let me know how you like my take on Psylocke.

What are you dressing up as this year?












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